 |                                                                            |
 | Les Earnest ---------------------------------- Dec 17, 1930 - Aug 27, 2024 |

 |                                                                            |
 | The Fingerverse: The First Frontier.                                       |
 |                                                                            |
 | These are the travels of netizens. Embarking on a lifelong mission: to     |
 | explore new servers; to seek out plan files and communities; to go forth   |
 | where few have gone before.                                                |

      .-.________                                              ________.-.
 ----/ \ )_______)    ------------------------------------    (_______( / \----
    (  (/()___)       -- The Charted Public Fingerverse --       (___()\)  )
         ()__)        ------------------------------------        (__()
 ----\___()_)                                                      (_()___/----

 :                                Communities                                 :

 | finger://happynetbox.com       | Perfect for ASCII pages                   |
 |                                |                                           |
 |                                | https://happynetbox.com                   |
 |                                | https://benbrown.com/home/                |
 | finger://plan.cat              | Classic Finger with modern features       |
 |                                |                                           |
 | finger @plan.cat | head -n 20  | https://plan.cat                          |
 |                                | https://jcs.org                           |
 | finger://flounder.online       | Free Gemini capsules & finger             |
 |                                |                                           |
 |                                | https://flounder.online                   |
 |                                | https://alex.flounder.online              |
 | finger://thebackupbox.net/ring | A new community is born                   |
 |                                |                                           |
 |                                | https://v.gd/aRumG2             (mozz.us) |
 | finger://tildeverse.org        | https://tildeverse.org                    |
 |                                |                                           |
 |                                | https://tildeverse.org/members/           |
 | finger://telehack.com          | .plan pages autogenerated by system       |
 |                                |                                           |
 |                                | https://telehack.com/telehack.html        |
 | finger://sdf.org   (info only) | Closed: SSH access or KnownUser@sdf.org   |
 |                                |                                           |
 |                                | https://sdf.org                           |

 :                              Personal Domain                               :

 | finger://typed-hole.org        | additional services       (aka: @9til.de) |
 | finger://1436.ninja            | personal site                             |
 | finger://skyjake.fi/jaakko     | Lagrange Browser                          |
 | finger://redterminal.org       | personal site                             |

 :                                  Services                                  :

 | finger://typed-hole.org/textfile | Random file from textfiles.com          |
 | finger ^"location"@graph.no      | Current Weather via Finger.             |
 |                                  | https://github.com/ways/fingr/          |
 | finger://graph.no/^'location'    |                                         |
 |                                  | finger @graph.no                        |
 |                                  | finger ^"roswell, new mexico"@graph.no  |
 |                                  |                                         |
 |                                  | finger://graph.no/^'Death Valley, CA'   |
 |                                  | finger://^'Death Valley, CA'@graph.no   |
 |                                  |                                         |
 |                                  | gopher://graph.no:79/0^'Maui, Hawaii'   |
 | finger://typed-hole.org/cyoa     | Choose Your Own Adventure               |
 |                                  |                                         |
 |                                  | Underground Kingdom by Edward Packard   |
 | finger://danq.me/blog            | Realtime Wordpress to Finger blogging   |
 |                                  |                                         |
 | Finger Service Down for a while..| https://danq.me/2022/11/17/wp-finger/   |
 | finger://typed-hole.org/smog     | Saturday Morning Gemzine from The Free  |
 |                                  | Internet. Last Issue: 06feb2021         |

      .-.________                                              ________.-.
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    (  (/()___)       ----------- Syntax Help ------------       (___()\)  )
         ()__)        ------------------------------------        (__()
 ----\___()_)                                                      (_()___/----

 | Finger Syntax  | finger benbrown@happynetbox.com                           |
 |                |                                                           |
 |                | finger://plan.cat/jcs                                     |
 |                |                                                           |
 |                | finger://julien@typed-hole.org                            |
 | Gopher clients | gopher://flounder.online:79/0alex                         |
 |    are also    |                                                           |
 | Finger clients | : 79 is the port number Finger uses                       |
 |                | : add a zero before the username                          |
 |                |-----------------------------------------------------------|
 |                | Source (entry 2023-02-21):                                |
 |                |                                                           |
 |                | gemini://ruario.flounder.online/journal-2023-04.gmi       |

      .-.________                                              ________.-.
 ----/ \ )_______)    ------------------------------------    (_______( / \----
    (  (/()___)       ---- Connect to the Fingerverse ----       (___()\)  )
         ()__)        ------------------------------------        (__()
 ----\___()_)                                                      (_()___/----

 :                              Terminal Clients                              :

 | finger       | https://manpages.org/finger                                 |
 |              | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_(protocol)             |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | The finger program was written in 1971 by Les Earnest for   |
 |              | the time-sharing, mainframe OS appropriately named WAITS.   |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | For perspective: the first computers were being connected,  |
 |              | in 1969, to the newly developed ARPANET. The Network Control|
 |              | Protocol was implemented in 1970. In 1971, the first ARPANET|
 |              | network mail was sent. (source: wikipedia)                  |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | And right there, at the start of it all... finger.          |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Of note: Finger was "probably the earliest form of presence |
 |              | information for remote network users."                      |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Origins of the Finger Command           (Les Earnest, 1990) |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | finger://happynetbox.com/originsfinger                      |
 |              | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17006486        (2018) |
 | lynx         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_(web_browser)            |
 |              | https://lynx.invisible-island.net/lynx_help/                |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Remove background images (can't find similar for Chrome):   |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/no-color/    |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | The initial release of Lynx, in 1992, included a hypertext  |
 |              | browser. In 1993, version 2.0 was released which enabled it |
 |              | with internet capabilities. These dates say that Lynx is the|
 |              | oldest browser still being developed today!                 |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | In addition to the protocols it supports (finger, http(s),  |
 |              | gopher, file://, ftp, nntp, wais, cso, lynxcgi, lynxexec),  |
 |              | Lynx can also be found on an inspiring number of platforms. |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | TIP: "lynx finger://happynetbox.com/fingerverse" will take  |
 |              | the raw ASCII page and convert it into a monospaced HTML    |
 |              | page with clickable links.                                  |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Newcomers might be interested in this tweak to the default  |
 |              | behavior of the Up/Down arrow key (it's a favorite of mine):|
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | (sudo) edit /etc/lynx/lynx.cfg                              |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Links, forms and others no longer interfere with scrolling  |
 |              | using the Up/Down arrows. Smooth scrolling on any page.     |
 |              | Navigate links with TAB and Shift + TAB.                    |
 | curl         | https://curl.se                                             |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | curl gopher://happynetbox.com:79/0codepage437       (8-bit) |
 | Bopher-NG    | https://git.sr.ht/~luxferre/Bopher-NG                       |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | About as polished of a gopher client as I've seen and it's  |
 |              | all written in pure BASH. Includes additional useful gopher |
 |              | and gemini text processing tools.                           |
 | offpunk      | https://offpunk.net                                         |
 |              | https://sr.ht/~lioploum/offpunk/                            |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Gemini, Gopher, Spartan and Web support. Collects and       |
 |              | synchronizes pages for offline viewing. Will also browse    |
 |              | pages in real time.                                         |
 | gopherus     | https://gopherus.sourceforge.net                            |
 |              | https://mateusz.viste.fr/software/                          |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Modern, multiplatform. Includes DOS support!                |
 | phetch       | https://github.com/xvxx/phetch                              |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | note: was not able to get this working; libssl.so.3 issue : |
 |              | a shame because it seems pretty full-featured.              |
 | ddwarf       | https://mateusz.viste.fr/software/ddwarf                    |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Linux, Windows. I love the DOS-like feel of the program.    |
 |              | From the colors used to the ESC key to exit. Everything     |
 |              | about this program says DOS (even if it wasn't written for  |
 |              | that platform). Gopherus now replaces Digger Dwarf.         |
 | bollux       | https://git.sr.ht/~radiocane/bollux                         |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | bollux [URL]                      (gemini, spartan, gopher) |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | o : open a link on the current page                         |
 |              | g : goto a new URL                                          |
 |              | G : goto new URL, current URL pre-filled                    |
 |              | [ : previous page                                           |
 |              | ] : next page in history                                    |
 |              | q : quit                                                    |
 | bombadillo   | https://bombadillo.colorfield.space                         |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | syntax: finger://username@example.com                       |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Issue: 64bit (bombadillo-2.3.3) failed: GLIBC_2.32 not found|
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Fix  : 32bit (bombadillo-2.3.3/linux) ran without issue.    |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | start : ./bombadillo                                        |
 |              | help  : man ./bombadillo.1                                  |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | j     : scroll down                                         |
 |              | k     : scroll up                                           |
 |              | b     : navigate back a page                                |
 |              | f     : navigates forward a page                            |
 |              | q     : closes the application                              |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | space : enter URLs, commands or numbered link               |
 | dfinger      | https://github.com/KikyTokamuro/dfinger                     |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | A dedicated finger client written in the D language. Has    |
 |              | performed well in my testing. Available in source, compiles |
 |              | easily (sudo apt install dub).                              |
 | finger-client| https://github.com/alexmullins/finger-client                |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Like dfinger, finger-client is also a program written to    |
 |              | access the finger protocol exclusively. Written in Rust, a  |
 |              | precompiled binary is available.                            |

 :                          Desktop Graphical Clients                         :

 | Lagrange     | https://gmi.skyjake.fi/lagrange/                            |
 |              | https://gmi.skyjake.fi                                      |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Top-rated & full-featured Gemini, Gopher and Finger client. |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Additionally, it supports Spartan, Titan, Nex as well as    |
 |              | seamless file:// system browsing. As a file manager it has  |
 |              | built-in image and mp3/ogg/wav support. It will also quickly|
 |              | open unsupported filetypes with the OS's default program.   |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Listed on its [about:help] page is support for split view,  |
 |              | persistence, image/audio support, gemini/atom feeds, gempub,|
 |              | books, view internal zip archives and much more.            |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Going through the [about:help] page will help you get the   |
 |              | most out of Lagrange because of its many well thought-out   |
 |              | features.                                                   |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | A multiplatform powerhouse with support for: Linux, Windows,|
 |              | macOS, iOS (TestFlight) and Android (F-Droid, github).      |
 | Kristall     | https://random-projects.net/projects/                       |
 |              | https://kristall.random-projects.net                        |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Along with Lagrange, one of the top graphical browsers for  |
 |              | GeminiSpace. Platforms: Linux, *BSDs, Windows and macOS.    |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Kristall's protocol support includes: Gemini, Gopher and    |
 |              | direct support for Finger.                                  |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | It displays http/s html content surprisingly well with the  |
 |              | expected rendering issues on modern sites.                  |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | On less demanding html sites, Kristall does a remarkable job|
 |              | considering how young the browser is and that HTML is a     |
 |              | secondary focus.                                            |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | I love all the config options available and the built-in    |
 |              | search. Kristall is a top-tier browser that just happens to |
 |              | focus on the smolnet.                                       |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Settings: proper monospace on all ASCII pages (finger) and  |
 |              | HTML preformatted seems to require the following:           |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | File -> Settings ->  Style...                               |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Both the [Standard] Font and [Preformatted] Font must be    |
 |              | changed to monospace (or similar). Larger font, nice too:-) |
 | Dillo        | https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo-plugin-gopher        |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://dillo-browser.github.io                             |
 |              | https://dillo-browser.github.io/user_help.html              |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38847613   (ver 3.1.0) |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Syntax: gopher://happynetbox.com:79/0fingerverse            |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Cross platform: Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows, Atari and on    |
 |              | FreeDOS/DOSBox via DilloDOS.                                |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Supports: gemini, gopher/finger, ftp, spartan(?), file://   |
 |              | and the light web (~html 4.1, css 2.1, no js, http/s).      |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Dillo's support for gemini, gopher, and finger (via gopher) |
 |              | comes via plugins. Its powerful plugin system is used to    |
 |              | provide most services within Dillo.                         |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | I found the following edits to be helpful (for me):         |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | sudo edit /etc/dillo/dillorc                                |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | * increase font_factor=1.75                                 |
 |              | * bg_color=0xFAF9F6                                         |
 |              | * geometry=1600x900                                         |
 |              | * start_page="file:/home/path.to/filename.html"             |
 |              | * home="file:/home/path.to/filename.html"                   |
 | gophie       | https://github.com/jankammerath/gophie                      |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Finger syntax: gopher://happynetbox.com:79/1/debug          |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Both the linux and Java versions performed well. One issue..|
 |              | the input box to enter a URL is too small.                  |
 | Castor       | Steps for an Ubuntu/Mint based install (24jan2024):         |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | 1. https://git.sr.ht/~julienxx/castor                       |
 |              | 2. click on "ec77c753" (version tested on 24jan2024)        |
 |              | 3. download ".tar.gz"                                       |
 |              | 4. The following on a Single Line:                          |
 |              |    apt install build-essential rustc cargo libgtk-3-dev     |
 |              |                libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libssl-dev              |
 |              | 5. make (from directory of extracted .tar.gz file)          |
 |              | 6. sudo make install (system integration)                   |
 |              | 7. file is empty : ~/.config/castor/settings.toml           |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              |    settings.toml : https://sr.ht/~julienxx/Castor/          |
 |              |    also here ... : https://archive.ph/9JW9p & on Wayback    |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Included here because: (1) Direct Finger support, (2) it's a|
 |              | Graphical Client and (3) the install process was smooth.    |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Lengthy install, lots of bits. Final binary was only 8.3mbs |
 |              | but coupled with many supporting libraries. Worth it! I like|
 |              | having another Graphical Finger/Gopher/Gemini client.       |
 | Gopher       | http://runtimeterror.com/tools/gopher/                      |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Last update 2017 but works great as a finger client (tested:|
 |              | Linux). Portable with support for Windows, Linux and macOS. |

 :                              Mobile OS Clients                             :

 | Plan Poke    | https://www.borovia.co                                (iOS) |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/plan-poke/id1606247516        |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Supports: iOS, iPadOS and visionOS                          |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Among Plan Poke's many features are: Add, Edit and Search   |
 |              | accounts / Face-ID locking / configurable display colors /  |
 |              | iCloud data syncing, ASCII Art view and much more.          |
 | Lagrange     | https://gmi.skyjake.fi/lagrange/            (Android & iOS) |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://skyjake.github.io/fdroid/repo/                      |
 |              | github.com/skyjake/skyjake.github.io/tree/master/fdroid/repo|
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | update (Mar 22, 2025): Installed lagrange_v1.18b36_phone.apk|
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Lagrange Browser looked and worked great on my Lenovo Tab   |
 |              | P12-2023, 12.7" Android 13 Tablet. It is as good looking and|
 |              | feature-rich as its Desktop counterpart.                    |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Personal preference changes:                                |
 |              | Settings -> Colors -> Light         (default is Dark Theme) |
 |              | Settings -> UI -> UI Scale Factor   (make page font larger) |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Minor issue: Android's soft back button does not close or   |
 |              | minimize browser. It remains on the screen.                 |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Issue 2 ?: Enlarging page font also makes UI elements larger|
 | Mozz.us      | https://portal.mozz.us                                      |
 |              | https://github.com/michael-lazar/gemini-portal              |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | See Proxy-based Clients section for more info.              |
 | FingerList   | https://github.com/sirjofri/fingerlist            (Android) |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Add a list of finger addresses and when the app opens, it   |
 |              | will display the content of all the saved finger accts.     |

 :                            Proxy/Gateway Clients                           :

 | Mozz.us      | https://portal.mozz.us                                      |
 |              | https://github.com/michael-lazar/gemini-portal              |
 |              | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/geminize/    |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | So much to like, including support for many of the smolnet  |
 |              | protocols, a bookmark-like front page that does a great job |
 |              | linking to core sites for each of these protocols and the   |
 |              | overall rendered presentation of these sites.               |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | One feature I really like is that it takes an unformatted   |
 |              | (untagged) text-only page and converts it into a monospaced |
 |              | html file with clickable links. For example: it will make   |
 |              | this link-heavy fingerverse file easier to interact with.   |
 | fuwn.me      | https://fuwn.me/finger                                      |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | A finger-to-html gateway. Start here:                       |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://fuwn.me/finger/                                     |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | and add the finger address at the end. For example:         |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://fuwn.me/finger/flounder.online                      |
 |              | https://fuwn.me/finger/flounder.online/alex                 |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Note: works with most finger servers but not all            |
 | Underbite    | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/underbite/   |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | One of the extensions I have installed. Does a great job on |
 |              | both gopher and finger (via gopher) sites.                  |
 | OverbiteWX   | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/overbitewx/  |
 | Floodgap     | https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/                         |
 | Happynetbox  | https://happynetbox.com/gopher            (domain specific) |
 | Burrow       | https://is.gd/IMGsGJ                     (Chrome Extension) |

 :                               Other fun ways                               :

 | smolmail     | send email: smolmail (at) typed-hole.org                    |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Subject Line (the finger format is written as):             |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | @example.com .. or .. username@example.com                  |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Reply received as fixed font email with clickable links.    |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Pages using the other protocols (http/s, gopher, gemini)    |
 |              | have their embedded links stripped for improved readability.|
 |              | Those stripped links are recreated as clickable links at the|
 |              | bottom of the page.                                         |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Protocols supported: finger, gopher, gemini and http(s)     |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Want to try something cool? Read the author's description of|
 |              | smolmail by sending email to "smolmail (at) typed-hole.org" |
 |              | with the subject line:                                      |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | gopher://typed-hole.org/0/phlog/2022/smolmail.txt           |
 | netcat       | echo | nc telehack.com 79                                   |
 |              | echo | nc plan.cat 79 | head -n 20                          |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | echo "alex" | nc flounder.online 79                         |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Source: https://zserge.com/posts/small-web/                 |
 | telnet       | Example below using textfile@typed-hole.org                 |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | telnet typed-hole.org 79                                    |
 |              | textfile                                                    |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | As a single line:                                           |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | cat <(echo textfile) - | telnet typed-hole.org 79           |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | As a single line (8-bit sample):                            |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | cat <(echo codepage437) - | telnet happynetbox.com 79       |
 |              | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 |              | Source: https://danq.me/2022/11/17/wp-finger/               |

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    (  (/()___)       -- Alternative Operating Systems ---       (___()\)  )
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 : The core set of protocols (gemini, gopher, finger, etc..) that help make up:
 : smolnet can help give alternative OSes additional viability if implemented :
 : on those systems.                                                          :
 :                                                                            :
 : The lightweight and spyware-free nature of both older OSes and actively    :
 : developed alternative\hobbyist OSes, also speak to the spirit of smolnet   :
 : and its users.                                                             :

 | AmiGemini    | https://aminet.net/package/comm/net/AmiGemini               |
 |    for       |                                                             |
 |   Amiga      | https://amitopia.com?s=AmiGemini&submit=Search              |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | A modern Amiga smolnet browser with support for: Gemini,    |
 |              | Gopher, Finger, Spartan and Nex protocols.                  |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | Demo posted on Feb 26, 2024:                                |
 |              | https://youtu.be/Lx4k1Oox4oY?t=80                           |
 | Kristall     | https://github.com/MasterQ32/kristall                       |
 |   for        | https://kristall.random-projects.net                        |
 |  Haiku       |                                                             |
 |              | The build instructions seem very straightforward. I've also |
 |              | seen discussion of Kristall running on Haiku.               |
 |              |                                                             |
 |              | https://github.com/nkrisc/kristall/blob/master/BUILDING.md  |

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    (  (/()___)       ----------- Public Domain ----------       (___()\)  )
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                 |            CC0: No Rights Reserved          |
 |                https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/CC0_FAQ               |

 .----------------------------------.  .--------------.  .--------------------.
 |finger fingerverse@happynetbox.com|--| Mar 27, 2025 |--| 640kb.neocities.org|
 '----------------------------------'  '--------------'  '--------------------'