.-----------------.---------------------------------. .-----------------------.
| HTML for DOS    | DOS browsers and viewers        | |  Onward, my friends.  |
|-----------------|---------------------------------| |  Classic Dark Theme!  |
| Geminispace     | The Gemini Protocol             | |    Don't quit now!    |
|-----------------|---------------------------------| |            /          |
| The Light Web   | Gopher, Finger, HTML...         | |         , ` ,    _ O  |
|-----------------|---------------------------------| |  __G     \C/    / /\_,|
| The Fingerverse | It's in a plan file             | | / /\_,    |    __/>   |
|-----------------|---------------------------------| |__/\----- / \----/-----|
| The Spartan Way | Gemini with no TLS              | |__ /____ /  /__________|
|-----------------|---------------------------------|  _______________________ 
| Code Page 437   | The world in 256                | |  ___________________  |
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|                                                   | | | c:\>_             | |
|     June 29th: Happy 30th↗ Birthday FreeDOS!↗     | | |                   | |
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