: [home]                    T H E  L I G H T  W E B                    [dark] :
| HTML Light              | Gophersphere            | Fingerverse (gopher)    |
| frogfind.com            | Gopher Search           | happynetbox.com         |
| CBC Lite                | Gopher News             | plan.cat         (http) |
| CNN Lite                | Hacker News             | typed-hole.org   (http) |
| 68k News                | FloodGap.com            | weather                 |
| Daily Mail              | GopherProject           | weather, example        |
| POST Online Media       | Quix.us                 | fingerverse      (http) |
|                         | i-logout.cz             | spartanware             |
|                         | gopherpedia.com         | originsfinger           |
|                         | telefisk.org            | codepage437     (8-bit) |
|                         | Magical Fish            | Spartan Protocol        |
|                         | How to Gophermap        | Spartan          (http) |
:                              U T I L I T I E S                              :
| Bopher-NG | This bash-based gopher client comes with additional utilities,  |
|           | including a script called gmi2map.sh which converts a gemtext   |
|           | file into a gopher map. Very helpful!                           |

:                      D I L L O   V E R S I O N   3.0.5                      :
| home | help : builtin : my notes  | github  | plugins  | dev docs | donate  |
|      latest news (RSS Feed)       |   (see page source for website notes)   |
:                             K R I S T A L L  0.4                            :
| home  | github  | projects  | built-in help  | changelog 0.4  | screenshot  |
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