Q: Why are some meaningless input fields displayed? What are they?
A: They might be input fields defined in Java Script for displaying scrolling characters in the same way as on electronic bulletin boards. WebBoy does not support Java**, Java Script, or VB (Visual BASIC) Script.
Q: I have a cross-hair cursor displayed on an image. Why?
A: It allows you to manipulate the image by using keys on the keyboard.
Q: The stop sign (red circle symbol on menu icons) is indicated, but the globe does not rotate. What is going on?
A: WebBoy is trying to connect to a server. You probably specified a wrong DNS server or a proxy server, or the specified server is not powered on.
Please confirm that the specification of the DNS server or the proxy server is correct. If so, try again after a while.
Q: The drawing and scrolling on XGA system is too slow.
A: If CONFIG.SYS has a statement for EMM386.EXE, you may be able to get
better performance by adding "X"(exclude) parameter in the statement
for EMM386.EXE in CONFIG.SYS. The appropriate "X" parameter is displayed
by QX command (QX.BAT) in WebBoy directory.
The procedure is as follows,
a. Install WebBoy for XGA system. b. Enter following command. QX (Enter) c. Write down the message displayed by the command. For example, X=DFF0-DFFF NOTE: If the command displays "You don't need ..." message, Modifying CONFIG.SYS has no meaning and it's the best performance. d. Add the "X" parameter for EMM386.EXE in CONFIG.SYS. For example, DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE X=DFF0-DFFF e. Reboot the system and start WebBoy.
Q: Mail reading and writing between WebBoy and my hard disk is too slow. Is there any remedy for this?
A: Try optimizing your hard disk by using tools such as DEFRAG which comes with DOS.
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